Saturday, September 29, 2012

form 17

Day 3 of Plan: "Blog Everyday and Maybe Change the World Doing It"... Actually, that name is too long... and also probably too impossible. Let's just called it Plan: Indiana... after Indiana Jones, my favorite treasure hunter.

Anyway, as I was saying, Day 3 of Plan: Indiana is off to a good start. Three days, three blogs. Things are looking up.

Today's treasure came in the form of homework evasion (procrastinating is what I do best). 'Twas a dark and stormy night (that's code for slightly cloudy day.. just cloudy enough for me to enjoy the indoors more than the outdoors) when I was on my computer, staring at the two questions I need to answer before midnight tonight. As much as I actually had answers for said questions (which is quite the miracle), I didn't feel like answering them just yet. So I went to a website called - it's a website kinda like youtube.

I'd heard of vimeo before, and have even seen some videos through it, but it was only yesterday that I overheard my brother praising their homepage. It came as news to me the vimeo home page is full of short films and other such goodies, so I thought I'd take a gander for myself.

Sure enough, the very first video I watched was phenomenal. At least, I thought so. What do you think?

(It's less than ten minutes long and it's hilarious, yet heart-warming. You won't regret this! Also, from this point on in my post, I'll be assuming you've watched it, so you might as well humor me...)

Awesome, right? I've only recently discovered the world of short films, but it is such a cool corner of the film industry.

Well, I've shared today's discovery with you and I've still got that homework waiting for me, so I'm gonna blow this pop stand... or pizza delivery car *wink!* (again, watch the video)

Until tomorrow!

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