Thursday, October 4, 2012

cabin fever

I feel as though I barely left the house today. That's probably because.. I barely left the house today. At one point this morning, I went out to buy printer cartridges because we had a printer emergency (ie. we'd run out of ink), but that's about it. The rest of my day was supposed to be dedicated to homework. I have a bunch of projects due in the next few day so I figured it was about time to start them.

By 3pm, I'd managed to write one page. Luckily, the assignment I was working on only needed to be one page, so I didn't feel like a total screw up. But the fact that I'd somehow found a way to waste a good four hours before I really buckled down and wrote the damn thing.. well, I was a little flabbergasted.

I guess 'waste' is a bit harsh. I actually accomplished a ton of other things I needed to get done.. homework just wasn't one of them.

Still, I'm left feeling... strange. I don't think the cabin fever's hit me just yet, but if the tingling in my toes and the ever-increasing tension in the middle of my shoulders is telling me anything, it's that I need to get out of my house tomorrow. I have class in the morning, so obviously my wish will come true. Of course, sitting in an uncomfortable chair in a class full of people my younger brother's age isn't exactly ideal, but it's a start. Maybe on my way home from school I'll get up to some shenanigans that'll make up for my lack of adventure today.

...for your viewing pleasure:

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