Tuesday, October 9, 2012

le français

I took 'extended French' in grades seven and eight - it wasn't exactly 'full immersion'  because only half of my courses were in French, but by the end of grade eight, I was totally fluent.

In grade nine I had a French teacher who barely knew the language herself, so it's no surprise that I began to lose my previous skills.

My mom forced me (yes, forced) to take French all through high school. My grade twelve French class consisted of about eleven girls... it was ridiculous, but in the end, helpful. Because I got to the point where I could converse in the language again - albeit, more of a stumbling through than an actual smooth conversation, but I could speak it nonetheless.

In university I took French 101 for two semesters. Technically, I was too qualified for the course, but I'm nothing if not lazy and I wanted some easy credits.

And now here I stand, educated time and again, yet it was all for naught. Because I seem to have lost most of my knowledge of the language.

The worst part is -- my mom's a French teacher.

What is the point of all this, you ask? Well, first of all, let me stop you right there and say that if you're looking for reason, you're reading the wrong blog ;) ...But in today's case, I actually have somewhat of a point... So here goes:

Today I was standing in line at Tim Hortons and there were three little girls with their mom in front of me in line. The girls were horsing around a little and their mom turned to them and said, "Arrêtez!" And suddenly my ears perked up.

The girls, being little girls, of course didn't listen to their mother and continued horsing around, so their mom turned to them a second time and said, "Qu-est-ce que j'ai dit?! J'ai dit «Arrêtez!» Non?"

I, being my average Canadian uncultured self, found it so cool that three such little girls were being addressed in a different language than my own and were understanding it. Disregarding it, granted, but understanding it all the same.

And I decided it was time I learned French again. Maybe by doing that cool program I've heard about where the Quebec government pays for your room and board while you live in Quebec for a few months just to learn the language.. or maybe by listening to tapes.. or maybe by attending my mom's grades 4-6 core French classes.

I don't know how I'll go about it exactly, but I do know that it's something I want to learn again. And then retain this time around. Because different languages are so cool. And knowing more than one is just a good idea, if you ask me. Not only is it a great experience, but once it's been learned, it'll open the door for so many more new experiences.

Maybe today I made more of a rediscovery than a discovery, but it's something to think about nonetheless.

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