Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Oy! I'm failing at this blog-a-day goal.

I'm going to keep them much shorter - maybe that'll help me stay motivated to write them.

So today's post is inspired by my oldest friend, Simona. We met in grade 5 and it was friendship-at-first-sight. Seriously. She came to my school in October and was therefore the oh-so-intriguing 'new girl'. She was a foot taller than all the pre-pubescent guys in the class and looked about fourteen instead of the ten, almost eleven years of age that she was.

Anyway, her seat was near mine and I was always eager to help out the new kids - especially when they were gorgeous girls who looked like they could rule the school by the end of the week (what can I say, I was pretty shallow back then) - so we started getting to know one another. She lived in my neighbourhood, about thirty seconds away from my house, so that was a bonus.

Things got a little strained when my best friend at the time decided she didn't like the new girl and I was forced to choose sides. For about a week, I sided with the current bestie (even though - and Simona will be the first to tell you this, to my everlasting shame - I told Simona we could still be friends outside of school), but when current bestie started really hating on the new girl, I'd had it. So I told her off, chose my new side and never looked back.

Fourteen years later, we're still really close. We only went to school together for a total of nine months out of our entire educational careers, so there've been times when we didn't have a lot of opportunities to hang out, but recently we've been trying to see each other more and it's been awesome. Really awesome.

So, the moral of this post? Well, A: Always stand up for what you think is right because it'll always be the best thing. But also, B: Try to reconnect with someone you've lost touch with. See where their life has taken them, what they've learned and experienced, how they've grown, etc. You probably won't regret it.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. Nice post. I'm the same re: being bad about posting often enough... Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day! Britt is my Simona and we met when she joined my ballet class at age 8. She's become a sister to me. We are apart for years at a time but whenever we re-connect it's as if no time has past at all. There is nothing quite like a true friendship... We ought to cherish them. Lovely post. ;-)
